Rediscovering my long lost passion

Blogging is my long lost passion

Blogging was once my long-lost passion! I was once a fairly prolific blogger at the time when blogging was a very popular hobby for a lot of enthusiasts would-be writers. It was once my hobby, or rather a passion. That was a decade ago before the era of Facebook. After writing regularly on my personal blog for over three years, I finally moved my writing to Facebook. It was not only me but a lot of the bloggers I followed also stopped writing. However, I think it is time for me to start writing my own blog again. Thus the reason I created this tiny little blog. And I’ve finally rediscovered my long-lost passion!

I created this tiny little blog as my personal notes. Most of the blog posts will be the solutions to the common daily tech problems or issues I face regularly. Most of them do not seem to be important enough for the tech guys on popular tech and How-to blogs to write but were regularly encountered by many of us. It is sometimes annoying and time-consuming to search for solutions to these seemingly trivial tech problems or issues. I sometimes need to spend hours searching for solutions to these problems, combing through several tech forums and FAQ sites. And I think it would be beneficial to other people if I could note them down somewhere. That way, everybody with the same issue would be able to find them with ease.

In this blog, I will write all those solutions I found for these seemingly trivial but commonly encountered tech problems and issues. These range from simple technical issues encountered while using computers and mobile phones, or more technical issues such as web hosting and coding. I will also note down solutions to non-computer-related problems such as issues with appliances and other DIY stuff. However, the majority of the stuff I will write will be tech related.

I’ll try to update this blog regularly, aiming to post at least three posts a week. Stay tuned for more posts to come.

Note: English is not my first language, so please forgive me for any grammatical error or poor authorship. Any suggestions to improve my blog or my writing are welcome.

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